According to Tickle at
My Ideal Sexual Partner is:
Pamela, your ideal sexual partner is a Type 4.
A Type 4 partner radiates warmth and love. They are affectionate during sex and will rarely shy away from telling you how they feel about you. This is someone you can always rely on to be honest and sincere, since sex is the ultimate expression of their trust in you.Both physically and emotionally, a Type 4 is a sexual explorer. Orgasm is rarely the driving goal with this person and because of this, they are likely to be creative and able to take you places you may never have expected.But how do you spot your Type 4 sexual partner before becoming intimate with them? New research has shown that you can determine a person's sexual type simply by observing subtle cues in their everyday behavior.
Of course, they want 20 bucks to tell you how to spot your type..blah. everybody wants your money these days. But was a fun test to take though the results did not surprise me any.
Love & Light
Mostly a Blog type Diary for Myself.. because Life and Love can be awfully strange. When it is good, it can be real good. When it is bad, it can be real bad. It can even invade your dreams and make you afraid to sleep at night. Sometimes I wonder where does it all come from? What is this thing we call life, why do we dream and where are we going when we go?
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Bipolar and Me?
It seems that my wonderful insurance company has been doing a study on me behind my back. LOL. Which I find kind of funny, but also pisses me off a great deal.
For the past some odd months there has been a lady from the insurance company calling my house, chatting with me. I thought she was just calling to check up on my well being, to see how I am doing, etc. But seems there was other motives behind this. Since I am a diabetic with neuropathy and several other things wrong with me due to being a diabetic, I never found depression too strange. Afterall, when one is dealing with several health problems it can and often does get the best of them on occasion -- Not to mention being heartbroken from an a*s liar.
I think there was one time I was talking to this lady from the insurance company and I was telling her I was having a hard time sleeping, sometimes going days without sleep. She didn't seem to make a big issue about it but asked me some questions about it and how I felt after not sleeping for such a long period of time, etc.
Then yesterday at my regular scheduled Dr's appt. He pulled out a letter from the insurance company telling Him that I was part of a study and blah blah, he did not hide the letter.. laid it right on the desk in front of me and even allowed me to read it after listening to my heart. On it it said that they come to the conclusion that I was Bipolar and though I had denied any help regarding seeing a therapist for my depression they were hoping my doctor would talk to me and see if he could talk me into scheduling an appt with a therapist now that they had come to the conclusion I was a Bipolar.
I went to several websites that had information on it regarding Bipolar and read all I could read about Bipolar and it just does not fit me. Just because I have trouble sleeping from time to time does not make me a bipolar. That is the only thing I could see that even came close to linking me to being a bipolar. Other than that, I do not have really UP moods with really DOWN moods, etc. I mean if i am depressed, i stay depressed. It is not followed by a swing of a really UP period where I want to swing from a tree or i'm so up that I go get myself in trouble with the law. LOL. Or i become overly obsessed by sex or any of the other things that was mentioned. It just is not me, unless I am blind and some woman whom I never met and just talked to me on the phone a few times can pick up. I do not know.
I have taken these online tests before offered by drug companies and such before, but never for being a Bipolar, just for depression. I've always scored: You suffer from Major depression. Go get help. Duh. like I didn't know this.
Tonight, I took a test on Bipolarism and was only able to answer one question yes and it was the question on sleep. According to that, it said if you can even answer one question yes you should at least be checked out by a mental health care worker. blah. Like if they can help me when most of them suffer from major depression or Bipolarism themselves.
This is what gets me. How can these people possibly help another when their own lives are a total and absolute wreck?
I remember back in the early 1990's when my mother first passed away and I was so messed up from that I actually went and sought help from a therapist. I think that woman was more messed up than I was and it seemed 1/2 of my sessions were spent talking about herself and how unhappy she was and how she could not wait to be done with her schooling and this and that. Like this is what I was paying money for?
Another time I went and tried it, with some old hag of a lady.. she told me I could possibly still not be depressed over my mothers death, that it had been too long.. but for some, mourning the passing of somebody who was everything to you can take years.. maybe a lifetime. But she said absolutely not. She dug everywhere in my life except where she needed to be. That is why i am so dead set against going to see any therapist. But I did make a promise to my Dr that I would go, just for him. Not for the stupid lady on the phone. Not for some guy who wrote my Dr. saying He was doing a study on me, but for my Dr and myself. I guess I owe it to myself to at least know if i am a bipolar or not, though I greatly suspect I am not.
I know I will not speak to the lady at the insurance company again. She makes you think she is talking to You because she cares how you are doing, how is your general welfare, etc... yet in all that time they are just conducting a study on you.. you are nothing more than a guinea pig to them. I guess I should of known -- because it seems in this life, nobody genuinely cares about nobody unless there are motives.
Maybe someday I will learn what happened to LOVE on this planet.
I'm done ranting and raving for now...
For the past some odd months there has been a lady from the insurance company calling my house, chatting with me. I thought she was just calling to check up on my well being, to see how I am doing, etc. But seems there was other motives behind this. Since I am a diabetic with neuropathy and several other things wrong with me due to being a diabetic, I never found depression too strange. Afterall, when one is dealing with several health problems it can and often does get the best of them on occasion -- Not to mention being heartbroken from an a*s liar.
I think there was one time I was talking to this lady from the insurance company and I was telling her I was having a hard time sleeping, sometimes going days without sleep. She didn't seem to make a big issue about it but asked me some questions about it and how I felt after not sleeping for such a long period of time, etc.
Then yesterday at my regular scheduled Dr's appt. He pulled out a letter from the insurance company telling Him that I was part of a study and blah blah, he did not hide the letter.. laid it right on the desk in front of me and even allowed me to read it after listening to my heart. On it it said that they come to the conclusion that I was Bipolar and though I had denied any help regarding seeing a therapist for my depression they were hoping my doctor would talk to me and see if he could talk me into scheduling an appt with a therapist now that they had come to the conclusion I was a Bipolar.
I went to several websites that had information on it regarding Bipolar and read all I could read about Bipolar and it just does not fit me. Just because I have trouble sleeping from time to time does not make me a bipolar. That is the only thing I could see that even came close to linking me to being a bipolar. Other than that, I do not have really UP moods with really DOWN moods, etc. I mean if i am depressed, i stay depressed. It is not followed by a swing of a really UP period where I want to swing from a tree or i'm so up that I go get myself in trouble with the law. LOL. Or i become overly obsessed by sex or any of the other things that was mentioned. It just is not me, unless I am blind and some woman whom I never met and just talked to me on the phone a few times can pick up. I do not know.
I have taken these online tests before offered by drug companies and such before, but never for being a Bipolar, just for depression. I've always scored: You suffer from Major depression. Go get help. Duh. like I didn't know this.
Tonight, I took a test on Bipolarism and was only able to answer one question yes and it was the question on sleep. According to that, it said if you can even answer one question yes you should at least be checked out by a mental health care worker. blah. Like if they can help me when most of them suffer from major depression or Bipolarism themselves.
This is what gets me. How can these people possibly help another when their own lives are a total and absolute wreck?
I remember back in the early 1990's when my mother first passed away and I was so messed up from that I actually went and sought help from a therapist. I think that woman was more messed up than I was and it seemed 1/2 of my sessions were spent talking about herself and how unhappy she was and how she could not wait to be done with her schooling and this and that. Like this is what I was paying money for?
Another time I went and tried it, with some old hag of a lady.. she told me I could possibly still not be depressed over my mothers death, that it had been too long.. but for some, mourning the passing of somebody who was everything to you can take years.. maybe a lifetime. But she said absolutely not. She dug everywhere in my life except where she needed to be. That is why i am so dead set against going to see any therapist. But I did make a promise to my Dr that I would go, just for him. Not for the stupid lady on the phone. Not for some guy who wrote my Dr. saying He was doing a study on me, but for my Dr and myself. I guess I owe it to myself to at least know if i am a bipolar or not, though I greatly suspect I am not.
I know I will not speak to the lady at the insurance company again. She makes you think she is talking to You because she cares how you are doing, how is your general welfare, etc... yet in all that time they are just conducting a study on you.. you are nothing more than a guinea pig to them. I guess I should of known -- because it seems in this life, nobody genuinely cares about nobody unless there are motives.
Maybe someday I will learn what happened to LOVE on this planet.
I'm done ranting and raving for now...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Early Morning Post
I decided that i need to write before I went to sleep, so here it is, 3:16am in the morning and I am blogging. *laughs* It feels like I have nervous energy in my tummy and I do not know why. I think John Holland said it best, sometimes it is not "what is bothering me but "who" is bothering me"" .
Yesterday evening after meditation I felt very good and very positive and I kept remembering some words that I heard about Love. Something to the effect that if you give up on love, you will never know what might of been. Don't even know where I heard that at now. But I kept thinking about Lano and how he never told me goodbye and how he promised that he would tell me goodbye when our relationship was done and over with.
Yes, to tell You all the truth, if anybody ever reads all this crap I write here, I also am tired of writing about Lano, but this is the only place I have to vent my feeling and emotions about him. I've already filled zillions of paper diaries, at least this adds some interest to it all. :-)
Anyway, I decided I would try again.. to contact Lano.. to speak to him. To try anything to open the lines of communication once more. I thought the easiest route might be to call his work phone number, that way I would not have to deal with his demonized, jealous mother at home who would not even give him his telephone message. So last night I dialed his work number, since He is 8 hours ahead of me, all I got was the freaky so called voice mail they have there.. which isn't voice mail at all, all you can do is leave a call back number.
Again i tried tonight, when he was first getting to work and would of been least busiest but again, was just greeted with his funky so called voice greeting thing. I know that he has caller ID and my number shows up funny on his caller ID.. so I am sure He has some idea it is me that is calling so he is just not picking up.
I've talked to a good friend tonight about it all, and again was reminded that Lano just does not love me and it is best for me to let go and move on. I know this is true and Lano has done some really bad, hurtful things to me in these last past 5 years.. I have no idea why I love him the way that I do or why it hurts so badly to let go of him.
I do know that I am lonely and that at times he could be a very good friend, but not very often.. this is the only reason I can think that I feel so hurt over losing somebody that only treated me so badly, other than the fact that I am hooked on abuse? h*ll I do not know. *sits and whimpers to herself*
Maybe deep inside I do not feel worthy of a real, deep, loving relationship since I cannot seem to draw those kind of men to me. I only seem to draw losers and abusers to me which shows I put out that kind of energy and that is no good.
Well this build up energy in my gut is gone, so I guess it is okay to try to sleep now. Maybe it really does help to write out your problems.
Love and Peace,
Yesterday evening after meditation I felt very good and very positive and I kept remembering some words that I heard about Love. Something to the effect that if you give up on love, you will never know what might of been. Don't even know where I heard that at now. But I kept thinking about Lano and how he never told me goodbye and how he promised that he would tell me goodbye when our relationship was done and over with.
Yes, to tell You all the truth, if anybody ever reads all this crap I write here, I also am tired of writing about Lano, but this is the only place I have to vent my feeling and emotions about him. I've already filled zillions of paper diaries, at least this adds some interest to it all. :-)
Anyway, I decided I would try again.. to contact Lano.. to speak to him. To try anything to open the lines of communication once more. I thought the easiest route might be to call his work phone number, that way I would not have to deal with his demonized, jealous mother at home who would not even give him his telephone message. So last night I dialed his work number, since He is 8 hours ahead of me, all I got was the freaky so called voice mail they have there.. which isn't voice mail at all, all you can do is leave a call back number.
Again i tried tonight, when he was first getting to work and would of been least busiest but again, was just greeted with his funky so called voice greeting thing. I know that he has caller ID and my number shows up funny on his caller ID.. so I am sure He has some idea it is me that is calling so he is just not picking up.
I've talked to a good friend tonight about it all, and again was reminded that Lano just does not love me and it is best for me to let go and move on. I know this is true and Lano has done some really bad, hurtful things to me in these last past 5 years.. I have no idea why I love him the way that I do or why it hurts so badly to let go of him.
I do know that I am lonely and that at times he could be a very good friend, but not very often.. this is the only reason I can think that I feel so hurt over losing somebody that only treated me so badly, other than the fact that I am hooked on abuse? h*ll I do not know. *sits and whimpers to herself*
Maybe deep inside I do not feel worthy of a real, deep, loving relationship since I cannot seem to draw those kind of men to me. I only seem to draw losers and abusers to me which shows I put out that kind of energy and that is no good.
Well this build up energy in my gut is gone, so I guess it is okay to try to sleep now. Maybe it really does help to write out your problems.
Love and Peace,
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Tears and more Tears
Sometimes I wonder if the tears will ever quit falling. And why do I believe horoscopes. *smirks* I promise myself I will not go read the stupid horoscopes because they always make me feel sad. Mine is always full of business adventures and blah crap and Lano's is always full of romance and everything that just hurts me to the very core.
Today I went to read, seems it got half right for me. Then i went to read Lano's and lo' and behold, just talking about how his old romances are just a hinderance to him now and how he is best off without them, how they will sizzle out and even his new romances will only last a short time, that anything long-term, anything with committment involved will slowly sizzle out and die as well. Oh phooey. I guess i love self-torture. I must to keep reading crap like that. Crap that only hurts me and i know that horoscopes are mostly crap. Yes, someday it might get some things correct but for the most part they are wrong.
So seems I half way create my own tears and unhappiness. It is one thing to lose love, it is another to keep reading his darned horoscope, etc. errgh.
Update on my African Froggie: Last week I went to bed early, he was in the tank and fine but very very active. I got up early, got in the shower and ran to fish store to buy him some frozen blood worms since finding live ones in this area was nearly impossible. I did a few other things, but pretty much came home right away since I did not want the frozen food to thaw out. Came in to feed the froggie, looked everwhere for him, but he was gone. Looked on top of the water.. where he so often liked to float. Looked in all his favorite hiding spot, in the plants, under the turtle, everywhere..but no froggie. Okay..tore the whole darn tank apart, but no froggie. The fish inside the tank are not big enough to eat the froggie and never showed no aggression towards the froggie, so that was out. My only guess is on the lid where two small pieces are missing for the heater and the filter, he must of crawled up there someway and escaped. :-( boo.
Well i searched all over my room, only I am not tall enough to see behind the fish stand. So he could be back there all dried up and dead. uggh. Will have to wait until roommate gets home to see if they can see behind there.
I really miss my froggie and will eventually get a new one, once i figure out a way to cover up the two spaces on my lid where the heater and water filter go.
Oh well, just a quick FYI.
Today is my day to start a whole new "ME" regimine. So I cannot write long. I start taking care of "ME". Pampering "ME". Feeding "ME". Loving "ME" Doing things for ME, I should of been doing all along.
Have lived in this house now for 9 months and do not even have my bedroom totally unpacked. Today that is going to change along with brand new sheets on my bed with my brand new down comforter and no more sharing my bed with a stack of bills and two laptop computers and medicines and cellphones and all this other stuff that only worries me and robs my energy without me knowing it. I'm done once and for all. It is time to look after number one and that is ME.
So I am off for a short meditation and then to start my day, which should of been started hours ago, but I won't go into that now. :-)
Love and light to all,
Today I went to read, seems it got half right for me. Then i went to read Lano's and lo' and behold, just talking about how his old romances are just a hinderance to him now and how he is best off without them, how they will sizzle out and even his new romances will only last a short time, that anything long-term, anything with committment involved will slowly sizzle out and die as well. Oh phooey. I guess i love self-torture. I must to keep reading crap like that. Crap that only hurts me and i know that horoscopes are mostly crap. Yes, someday it might get some things correct but for the most part they are wrong.
So seems I half way create my own tears and unhappiness. It is one thing to lose love, it is another to keep reading his darned horoscope, etc. errgh.
Update on my African Froggie: Last week I went to bed early, he was in the tank and fine but very very active. I got up early, got in the shower and ran to fish store to buy him some frozen blood worms since finding live ones in this area was nearly impossible. I did a few other things, but pretty much came home right away since I did not want the frozen food to thaw out. Came in to feed the froggie, looked everwhere for him, but he was gone. Looked on top of the water.. where he so often liked to float. Looked in all his favorite hiding spot, in the plants, under the turtle, everywhere..but no froggie. Okay..tore the whole darn tank apart, but no froggie. The fish inside the tank are not big enough to eat the froggie and never showed no aggression towards the froggie, so that was out. My only guess is on the lid where two small pieces are missing for the heater and the filter, he must of crawled up there someway and escaped. :-( boo.
Well i searched all over my room, only I am not tall enough to see behind the fish stand. So he could be back there all dried up and dead. uggh. Will have to wait until roommate gets home to see if they can see behind there.
I really miss my froggie and will eventually get a new one, once i figure out a way to cover up the two spaces on my lid where the heater and water filter go.
Oh well, just a quick FYI.
Today is my day to start a whole new "ME" regimine. So I cannot write long. I start taking care of "ME". Pampering "ME". Feeding "ME". Loving "ME" Doing things for ME, I should of been doing all along.
Have lived in this house now for 9 months and do not even have my bedroom totally unpacked. Today that is going to change along with brand new sheets on my bed with my brand new down comforter and no more sharing my bed with a stack of bills and two laptop computers and medicines and cellphones and all this other stuff that only worries me and robs my energy without me knowing it. I'm done once and for all. It is time to look after number one and that is ME.
So I am off for a short meditation and then to start my day, which should of been started hours ago, but I won't go into that now. :-)
Love and light to all,
Sunday, April 24, 2005
I Did What I've Been Accused Of Doing!
Yesterday I felt so lonely for Lano, so so boxed in.. that I felt I just HAD to tell Him that I "loved Him."
After not talking to Him for two months, I seriously doubted that He would answer the phone. I was totally ready to speak to His mother, to be told the same thing I am always told. That Lano is not home, that He is working.. blah blah, whatever.
But when Lano answered the phone it totally caught me off guard. When I heard His voice, my heart started beating a million beats a second. My goodness He has the sexiest sounding voice I ever heard in my entire life. I started shaking and within mere seconds, i hung up the phone. *whimpers to herself*
I'm not even sure I had time to think about what exactly I was doing. I just know it was so unexpected.
Now I sit here and cuss myself out. An opportunity like that does not come around often. I may never get the chance to tell Him that I love Him again. It makes me sad and it makes me cry.
I know our relationship working out was not totally all His fault, no matter how much I'd like to blame Him. It feels my heart is broken into a thousand little pieces of dust, floating all over the universe.
Wouldn't be nice if such things as ESP really worked. If we could really concentrate on a person and send they would actually get the message we sending to them? Ahh If only it were so.
I am so sick of dealing with men that are liars and a*ses in general. It makes me miss Lano all the more. I've said it a million times and i'll say it a million times more. Lano might of had his problems, but at least Lano knew how to treat me like a friend. At least on some level there was a connection. One that is not easy to find with just anybody. I wonder lots if he ever mises me like i miss Him, but I doubt it. I guess He has lots of girls to take my place. Finding a connection for Him isn't hard I don't guess.
Arrrgh. I've cried so much I've given myself a headache.
I miss You Lano
Always Yours,
After not talking to Him for two months, I seriously doubted that He would answer the phone. I was totally ready to speak to His mother, to be told the same thing I am always told. That Lano is not home, that He is working.. blah blah, whatever.
But when Lano answered the phone it totally caught me off guard. When I heard His voice, my heart started beating a million beats a second. My goodness He has the sexiest sounding voice I ever heard in my entire life. I started shaking and within mere seconds, i hung up the phone. *whimpers to herself*
I'm not even sure I had time to think about what exactly I was doing. I just know it was so unexpected.
Now I sit here and cuss myself out. An opportunity like that does not come around often. I may never get the chance to tell Him that I love Him again. It makes me sad and it makes me cry.
I know our relationship working out was not totally all His fault, no matter how much I'd like to blame Him. It feels my heart is broken into a thousand little pieces of dust, floating all over the universe.
Wouldn't be nice if such things as ESP really worked. If we could really concentrate on a person and send they would actually get the message we sending to them? Ahh If only it were so.
I am so sick of dealing with men that are liars and a*ses in general. It makes me miss Lano all the more. I've said it a million times and i'll say it a million times more. Lano might of had his problems, but at least Lano knew how to treat me like a friend. At least on some level there was a connection. One that is not easy to find with just anybody. I wonder lots if he ever mises me like i miss Him, but I doubt it. I guess He has lots of girls to take my place. Finding a connection for Him isn't hard I don't guess.
Arrrgh. I've cried so much I've given myself a headache.
I miss You Lano
Always Yours,
Tarot and Me
Greetings from me again!
For sometime now, I guess at least over a year, I've been going to a website and been getting tarot reading here and there. After one gets so many tarot readings there is a thing in the system that lets you analyze your past readings. It looks for certain cards that have come up the most, and other such things and analyzes those things for you to tell you what you should especially watch out for.
Tonight, for the first time, I was able to run the analyzer and found the results very interesting. Thought I might share them here for anybody who might be interested.
Over time it can be extremely helpful to review the big picture, the gestalt of your life as reflected in all the cards you have picked. It's easy to focus on the tiny pieces and forget that they are part of something larger, and that you are a part of something much greater too. The following analysis is based upon all the cards that appeared in the readings you selected for this analysis. Your free analysis report is divided into 4 sections:
Your Most Common Tarot Card(s)
Dominant Suit & Element
Astrological Influences
Numerological Influences
Some of the stuff I left out, as i just did not find it interesting enough to post here.

Four Pentacles (Coins)
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. The Six of this suit points to the respect and acknowledgment due to you for your efforts to solve the problems of your community. The image is usually that of a victory parade, after the celebrated leader has helped the troops win a pivotal battle. It took the whole tribe to win the victory, of course, but it was the leader's heroism and clarity under pressure that inspired them to overcome. The team is thrilled that the leader led them to victory. This card points to a time to let everyone relax and celebrate -- if you are the leader, even let them lionize you for awhile. They are seeing reflected in you their own better selves -- a victory indeed!
For sometime now, I guess at least over a year, I've been going to a website and been getting tarot reading here and there. After one gets so many tarot readings there is a thing in the system that lets you analyze your past readings. It looks for certain cards that have come up the most, and other such things and analyzes those things for you to tell you what you should especially watch out for.
Tonight, for the first time, I was able to run the analyzer and found the results very interesting. Thought I might share them here for anybody who might be interested.
Over time it can be extremely helpful to review the big picture, the gestalt of your life as reflected in all the cards you have picked. It's easy to focus on the tiny pieces and forget that they are part of something larger, and that you are a part of something much greater too. The following analysis is based upon all the cards that appeared in the readings you selected for this analysis. Your free analysis report is divided into 4 sections:
Your Most Common Tarot Card(s)
Dominant Suit & Element
Astrological Influences
Numerological Influences
Some of the stuff I left out, as i just did not find it interesting enough to post here.
Your Most Common Tarot Cards
The cards below came up most often in your saved Tarot readings, which indicates that they may have a special meaning in your life. It's would be wise to pay more attention to these archetypes, in order to master their qualities or learn the lessons they represent. 
Four Pentacles (Coins)

This suit, most often named Coins or Pentacles, is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource. A Four in this suit has been used to express the paradoxical aspect of material security -- the two-edged sword of having been well supported and protected. It sounds completely idyllic until one investigates the real demands that prosperity places upon people -- the pressure of big decisions, responsibilities toward dependents or employees, and even tougher decisions in times of insecurity. An immature person thrust into such a position would lack the perspective to sensibly assess risks and rewards, would be vulnerable to bad advice or surprise developments, and could even put the livelihoods of loyal assistants at risk. This card also can refer to the subtler dependencies that comfort encourages, allowing laxness and self-indulgence to quietly degrade one's reserve of will. The character this card represents needs to move slowly and deliberately if change is required, as the consequences will affect more than just her or himself. Note: In the English decks, like Rider-Waite, we see a person who is stuck in their misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins, because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of poverty consciousness.
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. The Six of this suit points to the respect and acknowledgment due to you for your efforts to solve the problems of your community. The image is usually that of a victory parade, after the celebrated leader has helped the troops win a pivotal battle. It took the whole tribe to win the victory, of course, but it was the leader's heroism and clarity under pressure that inspired them to overcome. The team is thrilled that the leader led them to victory. This card points to a time to let everyone relax and celebrate -- if you are the leader, even let them lionize you for awhile. They are seeing reflected in you their own better selves -- a victory indeed!
Traditionally, the card known as the Hanged Man usually indicates a lack of ability to help oneself through independent action. This energy is arrested and awaiting judgment. With this card, there is no avenue for the will to regain control until the situation has passed. This represents a good time to be philosophical, to study and meditate upon the position you find yourself in, and form resolutions for the moment you become free again. Only those who possess wisdom, patience and optimism will be able to see through limitations, including possible humiliation, to grasp the inspiring lesson one can gain from such an experience.
Dominant Suit & Element
In Tarot, the Minor Arcana cards are divided into the 4 suits of Wands, Coins, Cups, and Swords. Each suit represents different qualities and associates with one of the 4 elements Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. You can look to see which suit appears most frequently in your readings for more insight into your situation.
The suit of Cups, often referred to as Chalices or Hearts, dominates your selected readings. This watery suit represents the emotional and psychic aspects of life -- fantasy, imagination, feelings, love. Water, being a universal element of all life, reflects the common psyche -- the energy we all share. The watery overtone in your readings calls for you to pay attention to your basic emotional needs, to your feelings and sensitivity. Some things can't be solved through talking.
Astrological Influences
You can gain further insight into your readings by looking at the top astrological influences reflected in your readings by the Major Arcana, or Trump, cards you got.
The planet Neptune has an almost perfectly circular orbit. A lot of cards with a Neptune association represent the part of our nature that strives for perfection, that looks to some higher ideal, dreams or the mystical union you long for. The planet Neptune rules the ocean and the part of us that is beyond the shores of personal identity, the limits of ego. The culture moves with the cycles of Neptune and it is an indicator of your connection to the culture that you live in. Relax, go with the flow and pay attention. Transformation can be yours, even if you feel slightly overwhelmed in the process.
Numerological Influences
Analyzing the numbered Tarot cards (Aces through Tens) in your set of saved readings often reveals a significant recurring number. Like all numbers, it has numerological significance, which is a part of how Tarot card meanings were classically derived. Looking at the meaning of this number can help you recognize and deal with major influences in your personal life.
When you get a preponderance of cards with the number 4, the message is clear. Establish and strengthen the fundamentals of your life. For instance, instead of renting a house, buy one. In your work or business, sort out what has true value and what is deadwood. Avoid procrastinating. Avoid promising things you can't fulfill. The number 4 is about being grounded, about being reliable, dependable and a source of strength. Let go of ifs and maybes, to go for those things that are square and predictable. Let go of wavering, indecisiveness or avoiding obstacles. The number 4 grabs the bull by the horns. Be realistic and forge a strong alliance with the material world. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't work. This is not a time for day dreaming. This does not mean that you should turn your back on the spiritual side of life. On the contrary; by walking such a straight and narrow path, your understanding of the Spiritual world becomes less and more defined.
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Love and Light,
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