Anyway, my home phone is totally jacked now. I picked it up and tried to call him and it gave me some recording, telling me to call customer service. So bascially is not letting me make any more long distant phone calls.
But last week I bought a phone card to call him, since I was *supposed* to call him on Monday and he blew me off like usual, so i used that instead.. because I wanted to tell him that I think he is a low-life drunk, a liar and he will never ever hear from me again and bascially hang up.
But lo' and behold he is a chicken a*s and does not answer his phone. I knew it was only 10% chance that he would answer his phone, but i had to try anyway. I'm not like him. I don't beat around the bush. When something is over, it is over. I want to tell the person, adios. Goodbye. Kiss off. Whatever. At least there is some closure. With lano, he lies like a dog. He speaks words of loves, lies, even talks of marriages, does whatever it takes to break your heart all over again. *screams*
That guy has some serious mental problems. He doesn't want to speak to you, yet he doesn't want to end things either and will go so far as to making up one lie after another just so you do not end things with him.
Why wouldn't he want it to end if he does not love you?? or care in the least little bit? This is something I will never know I don't guess.
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence, nor imagination, nor both together go to the making of Genius.
Love Love Love, that is the soul of a Genius!"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Ahhh.. i love that saying..
and this one.. though i forget who wrote it. :(
"Our Ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside of ourselves will affect us."
I pour love into all that i do~